Bruno Jullien, Markus Reisinger, and Patrick Rey, “Personalized Pricing and Distribution Strategies”, Management Science, vol. 69, n. 3, 2023, pp. 1687–1702.
Doh-Shin Jeon, Bruno Jullien, and Mikhail Klimenko, “Language, Internet and Platform Competition”, Journal of International Economics, vol. 131, n. 103439, July 2021.
Bruno Jullien, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “The Economics of Platforms: A Theory Guide for Competition Policy”, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 54, n. 100880, 2021.
Bruno Jullien, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “Vers une régulation concurrentielle des plateformes”, December 2020.
Andrei Hagiu, Bruno Jullien, and Julian Wright, “Creating platforms by hosting rivals”, Management Science, vol. 66, n. 7, July 2020, pp. 2801–3294.
Hanna Halaburda, Bruno Jullien, and Yaron Yehezkel, “Dynamic competition with network externalities: how history matters”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 51, March 2020, pp. 3–31.
Bruno Jullien, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “The Economics of Platforms: A Theory Guide for Competition Policy”, September 2019, revised July 2020.
Bruno Jullien, and Alessandro Pavan, “Information Management and Pricing in Platform Markets”, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 86, n. 4, July 2019, pp. 1666–1703.
Joao Correia da silva, Bruno Jullien, Yassine Lefouili, and Joana Pinho, “Horizontal Mergers Between Multi-Sided Platforms: Insights from Cournot Competition”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 28, n. 1, January 2019, pp. 109–124.
Bruno Jullien, and Yassine Lefouili, “Horizontal Mergers and Innovation”, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 14, n. 3, September 2018, pp. 364–392.
Bruno Jullien, Markus Reisinger, and Patrick Rey, “Vertical Foreclosure and Multi-Segment Competition”, Economics Letters, vol. 169, August 2018, pp. 31–34.
Bruno Jullien, Jérôme Pouyet, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “Quel rôle pour les Acteurs Publics dans l'Incitation Privée aux Investissements ?”, Revue Économique, vol. 69, June 2018, pp. 985–1007.
Marc Bourreau, and Bruno Jullien, “Mergers, investments and demand expansion”, Economics Letters, vol. 167, June 2018, pp. 136–141.
Bruno Jullien, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “Internet Regulation, Two-Sided Pricing, and Sponsored Data”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 58, May 2018, pp. 31–62.
Jay Pil Choi, Bruno Jullien, and Yassine Lefouili, “Tying in Two-Sided Markets with Multi-Homing: Corrigendum and Comment”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 65, n. 4, December 2017, pp. 872–886.
Bruno Jullien, Jérôme Pouyet, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “An Offer You Can't Refuse: Early Contracting with Endogenous Threat”, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 48, n. 3, 2017, pp. 733–748.
Pierre Dubois, and Bruno Jullien, “Product Design and Decision Rights in Vertical Structures”, Research in Economics, vol. 70, December 2016, pp. 558–568.
Bruno Jullien, and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, “Network Effects”, series “Rapport IDEI”, n. 27, June 2016.
David Bardey, Bruno Jullien, and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, “Health insurance and diversity of treatment”, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 47, May 2016, pp. 50–63.
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