The Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) is a world-renowned center for research and education hosting more than 150 international faculty including Jean Tirole, 2014 Nobel laureate in economics.
The origins of TSE can be traced back to the early 1980s, when the prominent economist Jean-Jacques Laffont chose to return from Harvard to his home town of Toulouse to build a new economics department, gathering leading peers with a shared commitment to scientific excellence.
Over the past forty years, TSE has emerged as one of the best economics departments in Europe, ranked among the top three beneficiaries in economics of the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grants. On the wider scale, TSE today ranks 8th economics department worldwide according to the RePEc ranking. TSE is particularly renowned for its scientific contributions in industrial economics, finance, energy and climate economics, and econometrics.
TSE also hosts an interdisciplinary research department, the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST), whose cross-frontier scientific program brings together ten scientific disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences: anthropology, biology, economics, history, law, mathematics, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of TSE is also top-ranked internationally. Its researchers have strong interactions with the other departments and develop applicable mathematics to economics, finance, and social sciences.
TSE also prepares tomorrow’s top economists via its wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. Its 2400 students benefit directly from the theoretical and empirical expertise of TSE faculty through a scientific approach based on observation, experiments, statistics and advanced quantitative techniques. TSE students enjoy a cosmopolitan, open learning environment. More than 45% of our students and 30% of our faculty come from abroad, making up a total of 80 nationalities on campus.
By climbing to 16th place in the Shanghai Economics Ranking (+3 compared with 2023), Toulouse Capitole University and TSE rival the best American and British institutions, which occupy the top 20 places.
TSE's missions are to advance and transmit knowledge in economics, other quantitative social sciences, and allied disciplines to address today’s societal challenges. Our aim is to empower our students, partners and the citizens with the scientific knowledge and tools to identify and implement well-informed and impactful decisions combining individual freedom and the need to coordinate actions in the pursuit of the common good.
In 1979 Jean-Jacques Laffont, world-class economist, returned to his hometown Toulouse from the USA. Visionary and entrepreneurial as he was, his dream was to combine the best of his different worlds to create a new model in France: an internationally renowned school of economics within a public university.
As Jean-Jacques used to say, “Toulouse, c’est mon Amérique à moi”. And so he gathered around him a strong group of like-minded colleagues committed to academic excellence, all determined for economics to have a real impact on society and everyday lives.
These so-called “économistes de Toulouse” steadily laid the foundations for what, 30 years later, has become Toulouse School of Economics, a thriving world-renowned center for research in economics chaired by Nobel laureate Jean Tirole.
TSE strives to:
- provide solutions to today’s key economic and social issues
- promote excellence in research & higher education
- encourage pioneering interdisciplinary research
- connect research to policy, in France, Europe and worldwide
- implement highest international standards in its own governance
TSE is structured around three distinct entities, which work together to execute a common strategy with shared and pooled resources.
The TSE "Ecole d’économie & de Sciences sociales quantitatives" ("school of economics and quantitative social sciences" – TSE) is an independent GE that manages the undergraduate, master’s and PhD programmes and jointly manages research with the UMR TSE-R laboratory and the JJL Foundation. Its governance structure consists of a Board of Directors with a majority of external members, including some appointed by the Jean-Jacques Laffont -TSE Foundation. The Director of the Grand Etablissement is Christian GOLLIER
The JJ Laffont – TSE Foundation is a scientific cooperation foundation created in 2007 as part of a State tender for projects. Among the public founders are UTC, the CNRS, INRAE and EHESS. Its Board members are 85% external and its Scientific Council members are 100% external, the guarantee of governance without conflicts of interest. Their members share the TSE values of excellence. The Foundation steers TSE's overall strategy and contributes resources (financial and human) thanks to the return on its capital of a unique amount in France, the capital being a result of two private fund-raising campaigns. It houses two foundations under aegis, one, TSE-P, which is responsible for TSE's partner-based research activities, and the other, IAST, which is responsible for multi-disciplinary social sciences research activities. The Managing Director of the Foundation is Christian Gollier.
The "Unité mixte de recherche" ("mixed research unit" or UMR TSE-R) is a laboratory that houses most of the TSE researchers and teacher-researchers in economics and mathematics, supervised by the TSE GE, the French scientific research institute (CNRS), the French research institute for agronomy (INRAE) and the French school of higher education in social sciences (EHESS). The UMR has its own director, administrative staff and Laboratory Council. The UMR helps to structure research within TSE, which will now be organised into departments enjoying a certain autonomy in scientific matters, resource management, recruitment, and teaching activities in connection with the school. The Managing Director of the UMR TSE-R is Arnaud Reynaud.
A world-class research center in economics, connected to policy
The award of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Jean Tirole in 2014 came as a great recognition for TSE’s achievements in its relatively short lifetime. Many other accomplishments make us proud, including a record-breaking number of European Research Council grants, top publications, high rankings and impactful recruitments.
Laboratory TSE-R has always fostered an academic environment that nurtures a diverse range of international talent and expertise. We pride ourselves on attracting the best and the brightest to Toulouse from leading US and European institutions.
While TSE’s unique atmosphere is hard to define, there is a palpable sense of a “TSE- style economics”. Based on a broad range of academic interests and a deep sense of curiosity, open mindedness and an engrained culture of collaborative work, our approach is coupled with an appetite for tackling real-world problems and generating deployable policy solutions.
World-class education in economics
Our competitive international higher education programs within the University of Toulouse pioneer a novel approach to higher education in France.
While the core focus is economics, our courses taught by internationally renowned faculty are multidisciplinary and concentrate on the role that data and quantitative techniques play in decision-making in firms, institutions or states. Mathematical modelling helps develop rigorous reasoning in complex situations and statistical and quantitative methods help to assess the impact of strategy changes and policy reforms.
A wide network of partners and a professional careers service guarantee high-level international job opportunities for our graduates.
In sum, our research-oriented courses train our students to master and adapt recent theories and techniques to solve the real-world challenges of their future employers.
Our education programs are overseen by the TSE Dean François Poinas.
Connecting our research to the real-world stakes of companies and institutions
Right from the start, making sure our economics have a real impact on society and everyday lives has been one of our main goals. Our close collaborations with industry and policy over the past thirty years have helped us become one of the world's top research centers in economics. Similarly, our long-term partners have benefited over the years from the specialized economic analyzes of our faculty. These exchanges are crucial so that the Toulouse economists may test and refine their theories through real-world issues encountered by economic actors. Jean Tirole's work on regulation, rewarded in 2014 by the Nobel committee, is a significant example of the result of this tradition of partnership research.
We are grateful to all our partners, especially our donors for their support. Thanks to them, we are able to work towards our aim of using economics as a force for good in the world. Thank you!
Major donors members of TSE Partners Club:
Other main donors:
Our donor via American Friends of TSE:
See the list of partners who support our research focused centers or specific research projects.
- Creation of GREMAQ (research laboratory in mathematical economics) by Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Creation of the IDEI (Industrial Economics Institute)
- Inauguration of the “Manufacture des Tabacs” campus
- Creation of The Toulouse School of Economics
- Creation of the Jean-Jacques Laffont-TSE foundation
- Launch of TSE’s 1st fundraising campaign
- Launch of the TSE education branch
- Creation of the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse - IAST
- TSE is awarded the certificate of ‘laboratory of excellence’ (LABEX)
- Nobel Prize awarded to Jean Tirole
- Launch of the Chaire numérique Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Launch of TSE’s 2nd fundraising campaign
- Creation of TSE-R, mixed research unit (UMR)
- TSE celebrates its 10th anniversary
- Launch of the TSE Energy & Climate Center
- Establishment of TSE Partnerships Foundation (TSE-P) and of the "TSE Center" label
- Launch of the TSE Digital Center and TSE Sustainable Finance Center
- Inauguration of the new building designed by Grafton Architects
- Launch of TSE Health Center, TSE Infrastructure & Network Center and TSE Competition Policy & Regulation Center
The Ecole TSE becomes an autonomous public higher education and research establishment (EPSCP) as a "Grand Etablissement" (GE).
Fore more information, TSE book : The origines of TSE
The Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST) are dedicated to ensuring the dignity of all of their members (researchers, staff, and students alike) as well as of their visitors through the CARE Committee (Combating Abuse, Respecting Equality).
Ressources available:
- Full plan for reporting and dealing with acts of violence, discrimination and harassment
- Plan for reporting, light version
- Organizational note on processing and administrative investigation units
- Flyer
- Useful contacts
Referent: Delphine Pouts,
Members - Faculty
- Anne Ruiz-Gazen, TSE Professor - Equality referent,
- Karine Van Der Straeten, CNRS DR,
- Adrien Blanchet, TSE Assistant Professor,
- Jorge Pena, TSE Assistant Professor,
Members - Staff
- Marion Gruenais, Careers Advisor,
- Caroline Pain, Scientific content and press officer,
- Valérie Placier, Administrative and scientific assistant,
- Laurence Delorme, Registration office Master 2 & DEAR,
- Valérie Nowaczyk, Administrative and scientific assistant,
Members - Students
- Pricilla Ranaivoson,
- Alice Mugnier, PhD Student,
This unit can be activated through the CARE committee
- Ingela Alger, Research Director CNRS, Professor TSE
- Claire Gislon, Director of communication & impact, TSE
- Stéphane Kojayan, General Director of Services, TSE - lead contact
- Nathalie Lalbertie, General Secretary of the research pole and of TSE-R
- Christine Vo Van, General Secretary, Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation - TSE