Stefan Ambec
Senior Researcher, INRAe
TSE Research Faculty

Jean-Pierre Amigues
Senior Researcher, INRAe
TSE Research Faculty

Henrik Andersson
Associate Professor, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Emmanuelle Auriol
Professor of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Catherine Bobtcheff
Research fellow, CNRS and professor PSE
TSE Associate Faculty

Christian Bontemps
Professor of Economics, ENAC & TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Philippe Bontems
Senior Researcher, INRAe
TSE Research Faculty

Estelle Cantillon
FNRS Research Director, Université Libre de Bruxelles
TSE Associate Faculty

Catherine Cazals
Assistant Professor, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Sylvain Chabé-Ferret
Assistant Professor, INRAe-TSE
TSE Research Faculty