Andrew Rhodes

Andrew Rhodes

TSE Research Faculty

Professor, TSE

Andrew Rhodes, and Jidong Zhou, Personalized Pricing and Competition, American Economic Review, vol. 114, n. 7, July 2024, p. 2141–2170.

Andrew Rhodes, and Chris Wilson, False Advertising, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 49, n. 2, Summer 2018, pp. 348–369.

Andrew Rhodes, Multiproduct Retailing, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 82, 2015, pp. 360–390.

Andrew Rhodes, Re-examining the effects of switching costs, Economic Theory, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, vol. 57, n. 1, September 2014, pp. 161–194.

Romain De Nijs, and Andrew Rhodes, Behavior - based pricing with experience goods, Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 118, n. 1, January 2013, pp. 155–158.


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