Céline Bonnet

Céline Bonnet

TSE Research Faculty

Research Director, INRAe

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Research interests

Industrial organization
Manufacturers and retailers relationships
Applied econometrics
Consumer behavior
Economics of obesity


Céline Bonnet is a Director of Research at Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture et l'Environnement (INRAE) in France within the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE-R). She specializes in the industrial organization and consumers’ behavior in the agro food chains. Her recent research addresses the assessment of food policies for better health and more generally, for sustainable consumption. She was an expert for the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture, the OECD in the Food Chain Analysis Network, the “Fonds Français pour l’Alimentation et la Santé” and participated in many funded projects on health public policy evaluation.


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Tel : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 91

Office : T.255