Frédéric Cherbonnier
Professor, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse
TSE Research Faculty

Claude Crampes
Professor Emeritus of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Helmuth Cremer
Professor of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Philippe De Donder
Senior Researcher, CNRS
TSE Research Faculty

Martial Dupaigne
Professor of Economics, University of Montpellier 3
TSE Research Faculty

Frédérique Fève
Research engineer
TSE Associate Faculty

Eric Gautier
Professor, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Christian Gollier
Director of the school TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Renato Gomes
On leave, TSE
TSE Research Faculty

Stéphane Gregoir
Professor, TSE
TSE Research Faculty