
14th Toulouse Conference on the Economics of Energy and Climate

Stefan Ambec, and Mathias Reynaert

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June 6–7, 2024

Room Auditoriums A3-A4

Thank you !

The organizing committee thanks you all for your presence and involvement. We invite you to visit the events section to see more, and to keep an eye out for the next edition.

Click HERE to see the list of contributions and slides


Background and objective

The objective of the conference, organized by the TSE Energy and Climate Center at Toulouse School of Economics, is to discuss recent scientific contributions to the understanding of energy markets and the design of environmental and climate policies. Keeping the spirit of previous years, the conference will feature theoretical, empirical, experimental and policy-oriented contributions. All papers related to the economics of energy and/or climate change are welcome

Keynote speakers

Matti Liski (Aalto University): Pigouvian Income Taxation
Catherine Wolfram (MIT Sloan School of Management): Will Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms Encourage Global Cooperation on Climate Change?


Organizing committee

Stefan Ambec and Mathias Reynaert (TSE)


Conference secretariat: Christelle Fauchié/Florence Chauvet


With the support of the partners of the TSE Energy & Climate Center and

List of communications

Shaun McRae (Centro de Investigación Económica and Department of Economics, ITAM), Electricity Pricing for the Energy Transition, 14th Toulouse Conference on the Economics of Energy and Climate, June 2024.