Environmental and natural resource economics


The group brings together around thirty-five TSE researchers and PhD students working on Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management. Topics of research include the economics of natural resources (notably water resource management, growth and climate change, and energy transition); the evaluation of public policies (including the issue of risk and uncertainty in cost-benefit analysis); the political economy of the environment; economics and biology (notably human-environment interactions); behavioral environmental economics.

Watch an example of research work led within the group below:


The group heads up the ERNA master (Environmental and Natural Resource Economics) at University Toulouse I (course director: Henrik Andersson).
It is supported by INRA (National Institute for Agronomic Research) and CNRS-InEE (Institute for Ecology and Environment of the National Center of Scientific Research).


     •​ 10:00 – 10:45: workshop
     •​ 10:45 – 11:00: coffee break
     •​ 11:00 – 12:15: seminar

  • Conferences