Emmanuelle Auriol
Professor of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Sabrine Bair
Post-Doctorate TSE-P
Milo Bianchi
Professor (TSE-TSM), TSE, On Leave
TSE Research Faculty
Matthieu Bouvard
Professor of Finance (TSE-TSM), TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Catherine Casamatta
Professor of Finance (TSE-TSM), TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Claude Crampes
Professor Emeritus of Economics, TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Renato Gomes
On leave, TSE
TSE Research Faculty
Marc Ivaldi
Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Toulouse (EHESS)
TSE Research Faculty
Yassine Lefouili
Managing Director, Jean-Jacques Laffont - TSE Foundation
TSE Research Faculty
David Martimort
Professor, TSE
TSE Research Faculty