La Poste Groupe-TSE Partnership


La Poste Group is facing new economic challenges as their postal operators are facing major changes in their working environment due to the arrival of new communication technologies. 

La Poste Group and TSE have been working together for almost 30 years. This research partnership with TSE, through theoretical and empirical contributions, is intended to provide academic insight into the issues raised by these challenges. 

Several research topics will lead to publications in scientific journals. The results will be shared with an informed public during seminars but also with the public during the annual FSR (Florence School of Regulation) conference and the biennal TSE postal and delivery conference.

La Poste Group is a member of the TSE Partners Club, and supports the TSE Digital Center and the TSE Infrastructure & Network Center.

Research topics


  • Econometrics of parcel delivery service costs and demand
  • Towards a convergence of e-commerce's share of retail trade worldwide or in certain regions of the world?
  • Using customer surveys to estimate the sensitivity of demand to supply attributes
  • Econometrics of postal contact point network costs - Focus on rents
  • Econometrics of distribution costs in relation to volumes 

Economic theory

  • Definition of relevant markets in the postal sector and regulation of the dominant position of postal operators
  • Platform regulation, artificial intelligence, trust
  • Valuing La Poste's data: from Open Data to data monetization
  • Costs and benefits of CSR
  • Silver economy and dependency financing