TSE-HEC ACPR Research Initiative

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TSE and HEC with the support of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR), have founded a research initiative “Regulation and Systemic Risks” focusing on state-of-the-art evaluation and understanding of systemic risks, the prudential regulation of the financial and banking system, and related challenges and opportunities. 
This new initiative, launched in 2022 for three years, is designed to accelerate and promote innovative research on emerging issues, to facilitate dialogue between the teams of TSE, HEC and the ACPR, and ultimately to disseminate cutting-edge research findings towards firms, policymakers, and the wider public.
The activities of the initiative include the production of high-quality research publications, academic conferences, as well as research workshops and seminars.

The ACPR supports the TSE Sustainable Finance Center.

Research topics

  • Systemic risks and long run risks
  • Impact of the new technologies and complexity
  • Cyber risk and systemic risk of financial institutions
  • Banking regulation
  • Central clearing
  • Risk modelling and risk management
  • Challenges of the competition between banks (concentration of the banking sector)
  • Design of insurance contracts
  • Epidemiological risks
  • Climate risk
  • Fairness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms used in finance and insurance

More information here