September 12, Opening lecture with Anouch Missirian

September 12, 2022 Events
The Economics of Biodiversity:  why should a cold-hearted economist care about biodiversity?

Anouch Missirian, assistant professor at TSE, will discuss this issue and more particularly the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

In a first lecture, Anouch will present theoretical approaches and some cases where economists have been able to calculate the effect of "biodiversity" on human well-being, demonstrating the existence of externalities.
Secondly, the professor will discuss public policies implemented to preserve biodiversity, and how the economics approach is useful to design and evaluate them. Finally, she will explain why the problem of biodiversity is different from that of climate change.

This event will close the welcome students' day. All students are invited to this conference.

Monday 12 September 2022 5:00 PM TSE Building (Auditoirum 3)

Anouch Missirian is an environmental economist; her research chiefly revolves around agriculture and land use, and wherever ecological and economic processes collide. Anouch received her PhD from Columbia University and worked as a postdoctoral fellow for a year at UC Santa Barbara before joining TSE. She studied Biology and Ecology at the École normale supérieure in Paris and got a masters in Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics from AgroParisTech.