
Advanced Course: Mergers and Innovation

June 4–5, 2020

Executive education seminar

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this course has been cancelled 

Course objectives:

Since 20 17, with the publication of the European Commission’s decision in Dow/Du Pont, economists have produced many papers assessing the impact of horizontal mergers on innovation. The debate has been vibrant and still lingers on. In this course participants will work hand in hand with TSE EX ED faculty members to understand the economics of mergers and innovation, assess whether actual cases are consistent with the underlying economic principles, and discuss whether future cases involving similar behaviour are likely to be analysed differently from both an economic and legal perspective.

Key benefits:

• Learn about the economics assessing the economic effects of mergers on innovation
• Assess in depth recent cases
• Discuss appropriate legal standards


Benoît Durand, RBB Economics
Yassine Lefoulli, TSE
Dr. Jorge Padilla, TSE
Prof. Nicolas Petit, European University Institute