Yannis Katsoulacos, and Marc Ivaldi, “Is it Collusion or Competition Behind Price Parallelism?: Steel Manufactoring in Greece”, Cambridge University Press, 2024, forthcoming.
Marc Ivaldi, and Emil Palikot, “Sharing when stranger equals danger: Ridesharing during Covid-19 pandemic”, Transport Policy, September 2023, pp. 221–231.
Marc Ivaldi, and Connie Lee, “Is it the advent of fairness?”, Concurrences Review, vol. 3, n. 113608, September 2023.
Sean Ennis, Marc Ivaldi, and Vicente Lagos, “Price Parity Clauses for Hotel Room Booking: Empirical Evidence from Regulatory Change”, The Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 66, n. 2, May 2023.
Marc Ivaldi, Ambre Nicolle, Frank Verboven, and Jiekai Zhang, “Displacement and Complementary in the recorded music industry: evidence from France”, Journal of Cultural Economics, January 2023.
Marc Ivaldi, and Jiekai Zhang, “Platform Mergers: Lessons from a Case in the Digital TV Market”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 70, n. 3, September 2022, pp. 591–630.
Marc Ivaldi, Milena J Petrova, and Miguel Urdanoz, “Airline Cooperation Effects on Airfare Distribution: An Auction-model-based Approach”, Transport Policy, vol. 115, January 2022, pp. 239–250.
Volodymyr Bilotkach, and Marc Ivaldi, “Rebuilding Ukrainian transport infrastructure”, Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and policies, n. 8, 2022, pp. 215–240.
Marc Ivaldi, and Jiekai Zhang, “Simulating media platform mergers”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 79, n. 102729, December 2021.
Marc Ivaldi, and Emil Palikot, “Sharing when stranger equals danger: Ridesharing during Covid-19 pandemic”, Covid Economics, n. 46, September 2020, pp. 68–93.
Marc Ivaldi, Liberty Mncube, and Marina Sánchez del Villar, “Measuring Unilateral Effects under Data Scarcity: A Merger Case in South Africa”, Concurrences Review, vol. 3, n. 95906, September 2020.
Nicolas Dupuis, Marc Ivaldi, and Jérôme Pouyet, “A Welfare Assessment of Revenue Management Systems”, The Review of Network Economics, vol. 19, n. 1, March 2020, pp. 1–41.
Vittoria Cerasi, Barbara Chizzolini, and Marc Ivaldi, “A test of the impact of mergers on bank competition”, Economic Notes, vol. 48, n. 2, July 2019, pp. 1–27.
Marc Ivaldi, Francis Bloch, and Philippe Gagnepain, “La gouvernance des méga projets d’infrastructure: Que dit l’analyse économique ?”, in Le Grand Paris Express, les enjeux économiques et urbains, J.C Prager (ed.), 2019.
Francis Bloch, Philippe Gagnepain, and Marc Ivaldi, “La commande publique: que dit la théorie des contrats et des incitations”, in Le Grand Paris Express, les enjeux économiques et urbains, J.C Prager (ed.), January 2019.
Marc Ivaldi, and Tuba Toru-Delibasi, “Competitive impact of the air ticket levy on the European airline market”, Transport Policy, vol. 70, November 2018, pp. 46–52.
Marc Ivaldi, and Catherine Muller-Vibes, “The Differentiated Effect of Advertising on Readership: Evidence from a Two-Sided Market Approach”, Marketing Letters, vol. 29, n. 3, September 2018, pp. 363–376.
Marc Ivaldi, and Jérôme Pouyet, “Eliciting the Regulation of an Economic System: The Case of the French Rail Industry”, Transport Policy, vol. 62, February 2018, pp. 21–30.