Jean-Pierre Florens

Jean-Pierre Florens

TSE Research Faculty

Professor Emeritus, TSE

Jean-Pierre Florens, Denis Fougère, and Michel Mouchart, Duration models, in The Econometrics of Panel Data, Laszlo Matyas, and Patrick Sevestre (eds.), 2nd edition, Kluwer, series “Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, vol. 46, 1995, pp. 491–534.

Jean-Pierre Florens, and Denis Fougère, Point processes, in The Econometrics of Panel Data, Laszlo Matyas, and Patrick Sevestre (eds.), 2nd edition, Kluwer, series “Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, vol. 46, 1995, pp. 537–572.

Jean-Pierre Florens, and Michel Mouchart, Bayesian Testing and Testing Bayesian, in Handbook of Statistics, G.S. Maddala (ed.), North Holland, vol. 10, 1992, pp. 303–334.


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Office : T.507


Marie-Hélène Dufour

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