Emmanuelle Auriol, and Anaïs Dahmani-Scuitti, “Decentralization in Autocraties”, European Economic Review, vol. 172, n. 104930, February 2025.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Camille Landais, and Nina Roussille, “Égalité hommes-femmes: une question d’équité, un impératif économique”, Notes du conseil d’analyse économique, n. 83, November 2024.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Alice Mesnard, and Tiffanie Perrault, “Weeding out the Dealers? The Economics of Cannabis Legalization”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, n. 216, December 2023, pp. 62–101.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Jean-Philippe Platteau, and Thierry Verdier, “The Quran and the Sword”, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 21(5), October 2023, pp. 1772–1820.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Erling Hjelmeng, and Tina Søreide, “Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions”, European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 56, August 2023, p. 225–287.
Emmanuelle Auriol, “Plafond de verre et discrimination dans la profession des économistes”, Revue Politique et Parlementaire, June 2023.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Sara Biancini, and Rodrigo Paillacar, “Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Trade: An Empirical Analysis”, World Development, vol. 162, n. 106072, February 2023.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Guido Friebel, and Alisa Weinberger, “Underrepresentation of Women in the Economics Profession more Pronounced in the United States Compared to Heterogeneous Europe”, PNAS, vol. 119, n. 16, April 2022.
Emmanuelle Auriol, and Hillel Rapoport, “Skilled immigration: A visa for growth”, Notes du conseil d’analyse économique, n. 67, November 2021.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Claude Crampes, and Antonio Estache, Regulating Public Services, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press, October 2021.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Diego Delissaint, Maleke Fourati, Josepa Miquel-Florensa, and Paul Seabright, “Betting on the Lord: Lotteries and Religiosity in Haiti”, World Development, vol. 144, n. 105441, August 2021.
Emmanuelle Auriol, “Regulating Quality in the Water Sector: A Theoretical Perspective”, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health, David V. Mc Queen (ed.), April 2021, Oxford University Press.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Diego Delissaint, Maleke Fourati, Josepa Miquel-Florensa, and Paul Seabright, “Trust in the image of God: Links between religiosity and reciprocity in Haiti”, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, vol. 29, n. 1, January 2021, pp. 3–34.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Julie Lassébie, Amma Panin, Eva Raiber, and Paul Seabright, “God insures those who pay? Formal insurance and religious offerings in Ghana”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 135, n. 4, November 2020, pp. 1799–1848.
Philippe Alby, Emmanuelle Auriol, and Pierre Nguimkeu, “Does Social Pressure Hinder Entrepreneurship in Africa? The Forced Mutual Help Hypothesis”, Economica, vol. 87, n. 346, April 2020, pp. 299–327.
Emmanuelle Auriol, and Josepa Miquel-Florensa, “Taxing Fragmented Aid to Improve Aid efficiency”, The Review of International Organizations, vol. 14, n. 3, September 2019, pp. 453–477.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Sara Biancini, and Rodrigo Paillacar, “Universal Intellectual Property Rights: Too Much of a Good Thing?”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 65, July 2019, pp. 51–81.
Emmanuelle Auriol, “La responsabilité à l’épreuve de la division mondiale du travail : les apports de l’économie comportementale”, Sociologie du travail, vol. 61, n. 2, June 2019.
Emmanuelle Auriol, Giulia Camilotti, and Jean-Philippe Platteau, “Eradicating Women-Hurting Customs: What Role for Social Engineering?”, in Towards Gender Equity in Development, Siwan Anderson, Lori Beaman, and Jean-Philippe Platteau (eds.), chapter 15, November 2018.
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