Bruno Jullien

Bruno Jullien

TSE Research Faculty

Senior Researcher, CNRS

Bruno Jullien, and Simon P. Anderson, The advertising-financed business model in two-sided media markets, in Handbook of media economics, Simon Anderson, David Stromberg, and Joel Waldfogel (eds.), vol. 1, chapter 2, 2015, pp. 41–90.

Bruno Jullien, Patrick Rey, and Claudia Saavedra, The Economics of Margin Squeeze, series “Rapport IDEI, n. 23, October 2013, revised March 2014.

Andrei Hagiu, and Bruno Jullien, Why Do Intermediaries Divert Search?, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 42, n. 2, Summer 2011, pp. 337–362.

Alexandre Gaudeul, and Bruno Jullien, E-Commerce, Two-Sided Markets and Info-Mediation, in Internet and Digital Economics, Éric Brousseau, and Nicolas Curien (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 9, 2007, pp. 268–290.


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Office : T.689


Christelle Fauchié

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