October 10, Mathias Reynaert's HDR Defense

October 10, 2022 Research

Mathias REYNAERT will defend his HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches) on 10 october 2022 at 02:00PM
Toulouse School of Economics, 1 Esplanade de l'Université, 31000 Toulouse (TSE)

Room : Auditorium 3 on «Econometric Models to Evaluate Environmental Policies».

Memberships are:

  • Erin Mansur – Professor, Tuck School of Business, Darthmouth
  • Mar Reguant – Professor associate, Northwestern University
  • Céline Nauges - Senior researcher INRAE, Toulouse 
  • Frank Verboven- Professor KU Leuven 
  • Pierre Dubois – Professor, Toulouse School of Economics – UT1 Capitole


This HDR thesis presents four papers that construct econometric models to study the welfare impact of environmental policy. The methods focus on the interaction of regulatory design and strategic market responses. Successful implementation of regulation depends on understanding the strategic responses of market participants. To understand the effect of environmental regulation, we need to consider how consumers and firms respond to the regulation. The thesis develops structural econometric methods to understand the impact of recent policy interventions in the European automobile market, a setting where strategic non-compliance plays an important role.