

Cop 21: Economists call for an agreement on climate change

COP 21 Paris 2015: The Climate Economics Chair (CEC) of Paris- Dauphine University and the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) jointly launches a call for an ambitious and convincing agreement within the framework of the Paris climate conference. This call strives for the reintroduction of economic instruments in the debate, in order to take a decisive step towards the final goal of a global carbon price.

Announcement of the Chaire Jean-Jacques Laffont in digital economics

The Chaire Jean-Jacques Laffont is a research programme created in 2015 and supported by French Minister of Culture and Comunication Fleur Pellerin, Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize in economics laureate, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Toulouse (IAST), honouring the economist Jean-Jacques Laffont whose work allowed for groundbreaking advancements in economics.  


TSE chairman Jean Tirole receives the 2014 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

"I've just learnt with surprise, emotion and pride that the 2014 Bank of Sweden in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has been awarded to me for my work on market regulation theory. I must, of course, associate with this award, my colleagues from Toulouse School of Economics, of which I have chaired the Foundation since 2007 and where I am fortunate to have carried out my research in a unique environment since 1991. A thought also for my colleagues at MIT where I obtained my PhD and who I work with regularly. And for all those who have, in one way or another, helped me to achieve this work. Of course I have a special thought for Jean-Jacques Laffont, who died prematurely, and who was a mentor, an example, and above all a friend. I am more than aware of the key role he played in what is happening to me today. Finally, thanks obviously to my family for their unwavering support over the years." Jean Tirole  

25-29 August 2014: TSE hosts major event in economics

Toulouse - 19 August 2014 - Every summer, the European Economic Association (EEA) and the Econometric Society (ES) hold the largest European event in economics: the EEA-ESEM congress. The event brings together over 1500 of Europe’s leading economists for a unique opportunity to meet, present and discuss the latest research advances, take part in policy debates, and share ideas on a wide range of topical issues in economics. Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) is honoured to have been chosen to host the 2014 edition of the congress, which will take place at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole on 25-29 August.

TSE President Jean Tirole awarded the Nemmers Prize 2014

Jean Tirole, chairman of the Foundation Jean-Jacques Laffont/Toulouse School of Economics and scientific director of the Institute for Industrial Economics, University of Toulouse Capitole in France, is the recipient of the 2014 Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics. 2014 prize marks the 11th time Northwestern has awarded the prize. The Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize in Mathematics and the Michael Ludwig Nemmers Prize in Music Composition will both be announced this spring.