Read and discover in-depth research and activities this 2023 annual report.
This annual report in french provides an overview of the activity and production during 2023.
Today's young generations are the ones who will drive tomorrow's change. To support them in this transition, TSE has published a series of articles dedicated to the fight against climate change in the new issue of TSE Mag.
We highlight the research carried out by the TSE community on a subject that is central to society: work. From job seeking and career development, to inequality, pensions and the impact of artificial intelligence on the world of work, there's no shortage of topics to explore!
This activity report celebrates a busy year of research and productive interactions with decision-makers. Through the lenses of our six research Centers, it gives an overview of the research outputs delivered by TSE members on issues of interest to our partners. It also offers a good peak into the outreach activities stemming from our partnerships, and into TSE’s special efforts to engage with regulators.