
17th Digital Economics Conference

January 9–10, 2025


Thank you !

The organizing committee thanks you all for your presence and involvement. We invite you to visit the events section to see more, and to keep an eye out for the next edition.

Conference objectives

The objective of the conference, organized by the TSE Digital Center at the Toulouse School of Economics, with the help of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) is to discuss recent contributions to the understanding of the digital economy and its consequences for modern societies.

The conference will feature contributions in economics - theoretical, econometric, experimental and policy oriented - as well as contributions from other social sciences and computer and data science.

Keynote speakers

Julian Wright (National University of Singapore)
Garrett Johnson (Boston University)

Roundtable speakers

Roundtable Introduced and presided by Paul Seabright (TSE)

Olivier Coste (Coste and Partners)     Slides
Diane Coyle (University of Cambridge)
Monika Schnitzer (University of Munich)
Jean Tirole (TSE)

Organizing committee

Alexandre de Cornière (TSE, CEPR), Jacques Crémer (TSE, CEPR) and Paul Seabright (IAST, TSE, CEPR)

Conference venue

Toulouse School of Economics 
1 Esplanade de l'Université - Auditoriums 3 & 4
31080 Toulouse cedex 06


Conference secretariat: Florence Chauvet/Christelle Fauchié

List of communications

Dylan Alezra (CRED, Paris 1;Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II), Being Acquired and innovation: an empirical study, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Simon Anderson (University of Virginia), App Platform Model, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Ruben Durante (National University of Singapore;ICREA-UPF), The Anatomy of Censorship and Propaganda: Evidence from Russian Wikipedia, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 10, 2025.

Jack Fisher (University of Virginia), Monopsony Power in the Gig Economy, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Chuqing Jin (Toulouse School of Economics), Sticky Consumers and Cloud Welfare, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Bruno Jullien (Toulouse School of Economics), Direction of Innovation and Decreasing Dominance, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Sijie Lin (University of Toronto), Hiding from Generative AI, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Raphaël Raux (Harvard University), Human Learning about AI, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Andrew Rhodes (Toulouse School of Economics), Digital Ecosystem and Data Regulation, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Michelangelo Rossi (Télécom Paris;Institut Polytechnique de Paris, CREST, France), Is Competition Only One Click Away? The Digital Markets Act Impact on Google Maps, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Wilfried Sand-Zantman (THEMA;ESSEC Business School), Learning-by-doing in Data Markets, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Adrian Segura Moreira (University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Decentralizing Content Moderation, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Andrey Simonov (Columbia University;CEPR), Platform Power of News Aggregators, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Olga Slivko (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University), Content Regulation or Self-Moderation? The Effect of Network Enforcement Act on Twitter, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics), Olivier Coste (Coste and Partners LLC), Diane Coyle (University of Cambridge), and Monica Schnitzer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich), Roundtable: Europe's Innovation Deficit: Is it real, and what can be done about it?, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Yifei Wang (University of Pittsburg), Competition and Privacy, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 2025.

Hao Yang ( Swiss Finance Institute), AI Coordination and Self-Fulfilling Financial Crises, 17th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, January 10, 2025.