
Comment on “Meta-analysis reveals declines in terrestrial but increases in freshwater insect abundances”

Marion Desquilbet, Laurence Gaume, Manuela Grippa, Régis Céréghino, Jean-François Humbert, Jean-Marc Bonmatin, Pierre-André Cornillon, Dirk Maes, Hans Van Dyck, and David Goulson


Van Klink et al. (Reports, 24 April 2020, p. 417) argue for a more nuanced view of insect decline, and of human responsibility for this decline, than previously suggested. However, shortcomings in data selection and methodology raise questions about their conclusions on trends and drivers. We call for more rigorous methodology to be applied in meta-analyses of ecological data.


Marion Desquilbet, Laurence Gaume, Manuela Grippa, Régis Céréghino, Jean-François Humbert, Jean-Marc Bonmatin, Pierre-André Cornillon, Dirk Maes, Hans Van Dyck, and David Goulson, Comment on “Meta-analysis reveals declines in terrestrial but increases in freshwater insect abundances”, Science, vol. 370, n. 6523, December 2020, p. eabd8947.

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Published in

Science, vol. 370, n. 6523, December 2020, p. eabd8947