
Advanced course: Loyalty Rebates

October 15–16, 2020

Executive education seminar


Course objectives:

Loyalty rebates and predation cases are amongst the most controversial in EU and US competition law. Recent decisions and rulings in cases such as Intel, Post Danmark I and II, Qualcomm Exclusivity and Qualcomm predation have created some clarity but also raised many difficult questions that will have to be resolved in the future. In this course participants will work hand in hand with TSE EXED faculty members to understand the economics of loyalty rebates and predation, assess whether actual cases are consistent with the underlying economic principles, and discuss whether future cases involving similar behaviour are likely to be analysed differently from both an economic and legal perspective.

Key benefits:

• Learn about the economics of predation and loyalty rebates
• Assess in depth recent cases
• Discuss appropriate legal standards 


Prof. Pablo Ibañez Colomo, London School of Economics
Xavier Mas, Frontier Economics
Dr. Jorge Padilla, TSE Executive Education Program Director
Prof. Patrick Rey, TSE Executive Education Scientific Director