Working paper

How do rights revolutions occur? Free speech and the first amendment

Daniel L. Chen, and Susan Yeh


Does obscenity law corrode moral values and does it matter? Using random judge assignment and all U.S. obscenity precedents since 1958, we present four main results. Progressive laws liberalized sexual attitudes and behaviors, reduced child abuse, but increased asymptomatic STDs. We document that newspapers reported on obscenity cases. We then assign data entry workers to transcribe randomly allocated newsreports and find that exposure to progressive law shifts attitudes. Second-order norm shifts are consistent with a model where laws sanctioning activity increase its perceived prevalence, and laws shape values when sanctioned activities are prevalent. Deterrence does not solely mediate law’s impacts.


Law and norms; expressive law; cultural change;

JEL codes

  • J12: Marriage • Marital Dissolution • Family Structure • Domestic Abuse
  • Z1: Cultural Economics • Economic Sociology • Economic Anthropology
  • N32: U.S. • Canada: 1913-


Daniel L. Chen, and Susan Yeh, How do rights revolutions occur? Free speech and the first amendment, TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1396, December 2022.

See also

Published in

TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1396, December 2022