Ulrich Hege

Ulrich Hege

TSE Research Faculty

Professor of Finance, TSE

Sereeparp Anantavrasilp, Abe De Jong, Douglas V. DeJong, and Ulrich Hege, Blockholder Leverage and Payout Policy: Evidence from French Holding Companies, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, vol. 47, n. 2, February 2020, pp. 253–292.

Ulrich Hege, and Sébastien Michenaud, The Valuation and Financing of Internet Start-Ups, in Internet and Digital Economics, Éric Brousseau, and Nicolas Curien (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 4: “The Internet boom in a corporate finance retrospective, 2007, pp. 142–169.


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Office : T.616


Valérie Placier

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