Patrick Rey

Patrick Rey

TSE Research Faculty

Professor of Economics, TSE

Igor Mouraviev, and Patrick Rey, Collusion and Leadership, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 29, n. 6, 2011, revised October 2007, pp. 705–717.

Patrick Rey, and Thibaud Vergé, Economics of Vertical Restraints, in Handbook of Antitrust Economics, Paolo Buccirossi (ed.), The MIT Press, chapter 9, April 2008, pp. 353–390.

Patrick Rey, Price Control in Vertical Relations, in The Pros and Cons of Vertical Restraints, Swedish Competition Authority, chapter 5, 2008, pp. 135–166.

Bruno Jullien, and Patrick Rey, Resale Price Maintenance and Collusion, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 38, n. 4, Winter 2007, pp. 983–1001.

Patrick Rey, and Jean Tirole, A Primer on Foreclosure, in Handbook of Industrial Organization, Mark Armstrong, and Robert Porter (eds.), North Holland, vol. III, 2007, pp. 2145–2220.


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Florence Chauvet

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