Marc Ivaldi

Marc Ivaldi

TSE Research Faculty

Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Toulouse (EHESS)

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Research interests

Applied Industrial Organization and Microeconometrics
European expert on empirical methods for competition and regulation policy
Industrial Sectors: Transport, Telecommunications, Energy, Information Technology


Professor Marc Ivaldi is currently Professor of Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), at CESIfo and at the Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA). He is President of the French Association of Transport Economics (AFET) and Conference Director of the World Conference on Transport Research. He has served as President of the International Transport Economics Association (ITEA), member of the Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy at the Directorate General for Competition (European Commission) and Scientific Director of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He is an expert in the use of empirical and quantitative methods for competition and regulation policy and has advised firms as well as competition and regulatory authorities on a wide range of issues in competition economics. Much of his work has been devoted to the analysis of networks and transport service industries including rail, air, urban transport, energy, telecommunications, banking, and information technologies. He is a member of editorial boards of Economics of Transportation and Review of Network Economics. He is a frequent speaker at leading conferences and academic forums around the world. Professor Ivaldi is also the author of books and has contributed to many others. He is a referee for several of the world’s most prestigious academic journals in economics and has had dozens of his own articles published. He holds a PhD in Economics of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) and a PhD in Economics of the Université des Sciences Sociales of Toulouse.


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Office : T.692