The two-years Master's program in Mathematics and Economic Decision is the Toulouse School of Economics Master in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. It benefits from the strength of both the TSE’s Mathematics and Economics departments. Interdisciplinarity is very important in recent developments in research, for example at the interface between optimization and statistics. These developments have wide and natural applications in economics and in the industry: artificial intelligence, big data, game theory, high-dimensional analysis, machine learning, network analysis, stochastic analysis, etc.
The first year is dedicated to acquiring a broad and rigorous knowledge in mathematics and statistics and its applications to economics.
The second year of this program is particularly targeted to students interested in research-based training in applied mathematics and statistics. It could be viewed as the first year of a Ph.D. program in the north American system. Successful students who are interested in a Ph.D. in applied mathematics and statistics can apply to grants with the help of the TSE faculty to fund the remaining years of the Ph.D. in Toulouse or outside Toulouse. The Ph.D. can be either academic or professionally oriented. The second year of the Master can also be a good fit for a student interested in research-based learning but who prefers a professional integration directly after the Master, for example as a mathematical engineer with a strong background in Economics.
Alternatively, after the first year, the students may apply to other second year Master’s programs at TSE. The second year of the Master Data Science for Social Science is particularly suited for a professional integration after the Master. Students who become more interested in the Ph.D. in Economics may apply to the second year of the Master Economic Theory and Econometrics.
Master MED opened in 2021 and our alumni all chose to engage in a PhD in Applied Mathematics or Statistics up to now.
Students in 2023-2024 chose an internship in the private sector and in international organization rather than a master thesis and may chose direct professional integration after the master.
Program 2024-2025
M1 "Applied Mathematics, Statistics" - Mathematics and Economic Decision - International track
*The student chooses to follow either the MED 2 track or the Econometrics and Economics track
++ A minimum grade of 10 out of 20 is required.
** Masters 2 Directors recommend to attend some options:
- High dimensional data analysis and machine learning or Stochastic Methods for optimization and sampling or Time Series: M2 D3S
- Industrial Organization: M2 EMO
- Corporate Finance et Market Finance: M2 Finance
- Time Series et Program Evaluation: M2 EEE
- Program Evaluation: M2 EEE, M2 ETE
- Advanced Macroeconomics: M2 ETE
- Advanced Microeconomics: M2 ETE
*** Refresher courses, for TSE M1 and M2 students (read the news (2023) published on the website to know the precise dates, usually courses at the End of August)
To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra, or the participation in the module "professional life" during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are recorded.
Program 2024-2025
M2 Applied Mathematics, Statistics - Mathematics and Economic Decision International track
(Syllabi are regulary updated)
Non-contractual, May change
SEMESTER 3 - 4 |
Core courses:Reading course Each student is supervised by one of our faculty on working on a research level book and preparing a seminar and report on a particular aspect. Here is a list of example of themes covered in previous years:
New advanced courses
Electives:Applied Mathematics and Statistics, In 2024-2025:
More offer for 2024-2025 will appear soon In 2023-2024:
Course from Master Research and Innovation at University Paul Sabatier: Economics and Mathematics
Data Science
Computer Science
Courses from other master 2 in Toulouse, the MRes, and research school Courses of your choice (subject to validation by the program directors) Mandatory:
-*For refresher courses, read the news published on the website to know the exact dates, usually courses at the End of August.
To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra, or the participation in the module "professional life" during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are recorded.
95% of graduates with a 5-year degree in mathematics find a job within six months, compared with only 80% of those who studied another discipline at university.
- High-tech industries (energy, petroleum research, chemistry, etc.) have needs, also have major needs in the field of mathematics.
- Consulting sector (survey institutes, consultancy firms, digital services companies, etc.) offers major employment opportunities for applied mathematics engineers, who are responsible for designing and operating databases.
- Banking, insurance and finance sector is always on the lookout good mathematicians to calculate risks and minimise losses.
* Employment:
- Teacher-researcher in a university
- Preparation for 2nd level teaching exams: CAPES, agrégation.
- research engineers
- research engineers in mathematical modelling
- Applied mathematics engineer
- Statistical research manager in a banking or insurance company
insurance company.
- Administrative entrance exam for the public sector and local authorities.
- Financial analysis and engineering
- Management and engineering studies, research and industrial development
Ressource in French to see job opportunities:
Ressource in English:
First year - Acceptance criteria
- Students with an undergraduate degree who majored in Economics or Economics and Mathematics at the Toulouse School of Economics TSE and able to justify a good English level are eligible to enroll in the M1 program “Mathematics of Economic Decision", international track entirely taught in English.
Or by application review:
- Students with an undergraduate degree in an "economics and mathematics" or mathematics , and who are able to justify a good English level
- French or foreign students with a degree and credits considered equivalent, and who are able to justify a good English level
Second year - Acceptance criteria
- Students who have majored in the M1 program “Mathematics of Economic Decision" are eligible to enroll in the M2 program.
Or by application review:
- Holders of a master's degree in mathematics who can justify some knowledge of Economics or are willing to prepare for it before the beginning of the program and who are able to justify a good English level, international track entirely taught in English.
To apply to this master, select on eCandidatures platform:
- First year: M1 Applied Mathematics, Statistics - Mathematics and Economic Decision International track
- Second year: M2 Applied Mathematics, Statistics - Mathematics and Economic Decision International track
For more details about requirement documents and application process, please see the Admission section.
For Enrollment and Fees, please see the Admission section.
Scholarships: Some Master scholarships will be awarded to Master students according to academic and individual criteria, see Admission section
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