Master in Econometrics and Empirical Economics

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In the 1st year, students attend a rigorous academic program in the different economic disciplines and quantitative techniques for social sciences. The common core courses allow them to deepen their knowledge and the elective courses allow students to build up their careers projects, taking into account the specializations in the second year of the master’s programs.

In the 2nd year, this master in Econometrics and Empirical Economics aims at providing econometric and empirical analysis tools combined with strong skills in using large data sets in order to perform deep studies in a broad area of economics. This program provides in the first semester a solid training in microeconometrics, time series, panel data models, non-parametric methods, large dimension statistical tools, computer programming, and database management system. In the second semester, students apply these training to do empirical studies in industrial organization, finance, public policy evaluation programs, health and insurance, data analytics and big data.   

Courses are taught in English by TSE faculty members with well-established international reputation in econometrics, empirical economics, industrial organization, and finance among others. This training is completed with an empirical project done during the whole year in a group of students.


Program 2024-2025

M1 Economics - International track

(Syllabi are updated regularly)




2 electives:


4 electives:

Optional courses

Compulsory International internship or Master Thesis 1 *                                                 

 *A minimum score of 10 out of 20 is required

 **Masters 2 Directors highly recommend to attend these options :
-    Industrial Organization: M2 EMO
-    Environmental & Resource Economics: M2 ERNA
-   Development economics: M2 PPD
-   Corporate finance et Market Finance: M2 Finance
-  Panel Data or Time series: M2 EEE
*** Math refresher courses opened to M1 and M2 students

Bonus point

To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra, or the participation in the module "professional life"  during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are recorded.

Program 2024-2025

(syllabi are updated regularly)



Compulsory courses:

UE7 - 1 among 3:

Compulsory courses:

  • Empirical project

1 among 2:

1 among 2:

1 among 2:


Equivalent of 9 credits among:

1 elective among:


    Internship or Master Thesis

* Students followed the course " Professional Development" in M1 in 2023-2024 will be exempted.
** Upgrade course in Mathematics, open to students in M1 and M2 of TSE.

****Only for students who followed the Panel Data course in 2023-2024, otherwise student must follow the Panel Data course in M1 2024-2025

****Only for students who followed the Time series course in M1 2023-2024, otherwise student must follow the Panel Data course in M1 2024-2025

(1) Subject to agreement with the directors of the master’s program M2EEE and M2ETE.

(2) Subject to agreement with the directors of the master’s program M2EEE and M2D3S FI.

i Students who followed Project Management in M1 will not be able to follow this course in M2

Bonus point

To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra during the year can give you bonus points. Only point above 10/20 are recorded

At TSE, learning is enhanced by guest speakers, most of whom are professionals from various industries. These experts bring practical experience and real-world insights, complementing the teachings of our academic professors. This synergy provides students with a well-rounded education rooted in both theory and professional practice.

Semester 1, master 1

  • Claire Vaufrey, Project Management

Semester 2, master 1

  • Daniel Herrera Environmental & Resource Economics
  • Olivier Massol, Environmental & Resource Economics

Semester 2, master 2

  • Claire Vaufrey, Project management
  • Raphaël Danjou, Datanomics

Admission first year: 

  • Aimed at English speakers
  • Students should hold a BSc in Economics within a recognized curriculum considered as consistent with the program and approved by the TSE selection committee.

 Admission second year:

  • Admission is based on academic excellence criteria.
  • Applicants from the French system must have passed the TSE International track Master 1 (1st year Master’s) in Economics or another French University master in Applied Mathematics or an equivalent degree (e.g., engineering school,…). 
  • For foreign degree holders, the required degrees are either a BSc, M.A., or MSc, within a recognized curriculum regarded as consistent with the program and approved by the TSE Selection Committee. 
    Some brushing-up in Economics or Maths might be advisable in some cases. Working knowledge of English is obviously required.


To apply to this master, select on eCandidatures platform:

  • First year: M1 Economics International track
  • Second year: M2 Economics - Econometrics and Empirical Economics International track

For more details about application process, we invite you to visit our Admissions section

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