Claude Crampes, and Michel Moreaux, “Microéconomie de l’hydroélectricité : Partie 2 La gestion des barrages”, TSE Working Paper, n. 16-641, April 2016.
Erwan Pierre, Stéphane Villeneuve, and Xavier Warin, “Numerical approximation of a cash-constrained firm value with investment opportunities”, TSE Working Paper, n. 16-637, March 2016.
Stefan Ambec, and Claude Crampes, “Decarbonizing electricity generation with intermittent sources of energy”, TSE Working Paper, n. 15-603, September 2015, revised May 2019.
Thomas-Olivier Léautier, “Is mandating "smart meters" smart?”, TSE Working Paper, n. 12-341, October 8, 2012.