Data & Computing Center

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The team of the Data & Computing center is dedicated to assist TSE’s researchers and PhD students dabout computational and numerical methods and data processing. 

Several areas are covered:  

  • Scientific computing: TSE has it own High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster at disposal of the TSE community 
  • Data: nowadays  data is a crucial issue, creating and accessing data is regulated by the laws (GDPR, licenses, Open Data). The team can help about the gestion, the storage, the analysis or the repository of data. 
  • Scientific projects: the team is composed of two research engineers and so can participate in research projects from the start or in other phases to provide its expertise in numerical treatements and methological, technical an scientfics aspects. 
  • Training : several training sessions are organized each year:  some sessions are integrated in the master’s formation (programming languages, spatial data analysis), others sessions are dedicated to researchers (programming languages, SIG, data analysis). 

The team is located on the 4th floor of the TSE’s building/office 405 and 409. 

Condition of use 
Each member of the TSE’s communauty can access to the service. 

The use of service is conditionned to the acceptation of the charter of user. 

Acknowledgments of the center 

Any article based on projects that has been realized in collaboration of the center should include the following text: 

“This research has been entirely or partially conducted by the TSE’s Data & Computing center. The autors greatfully acknowledge the help of the TSE’s Data & Computing center in the conduct of their researches.” 

The team Data & Computing assist the TSE’s community for the scientific computing by: 

  • The choice of numerical methods to use for solving a problem; and so its helps can be asked at the start of a project.  
  • The development of numerical methods or numerical simulations to study a model in different languages (Matlab, Python, Julia, C/C++, Fortran, R) 
  • The optimization of codes in different langagues (Matlab, Python, Julia, C/C++, Fortran, R) 
  • The parallelization of the code on different architectures according the possibilities of the languages: shared-memory architecture, distributed memory architecture, GPU.  

The Data & Computing team is also in charge of: 

  • The administration of the TSE’s cluster 
  • The support to use the TSE’s cluster 
  • The support for the different softwares at the disposal of TSE’s researcher and PhD students  

The growing issues surrounding research data are giving rise to new needs, covering issues such as legislation, user licences for the data produced or reproduced, an infrastructure capable of hosting large volumes of data, questions about the quality of the data and the processing and analysis that goes with it, and finally the production, exploitation and dissemination of research data.  

The Data and Computing department can provide support on a number of issues relating to research data:  

  • Data access: whether it be issues relating to the GDPR or technical access to data,  
  • Statistical analysis or spatial analysis : several tools are available for these analysis needs, including GIS tools, 
  • Help on drafting of data management plans for ERC and ANR projects.

The Data & Computing team provides for the researchers and PhD students: 

  • An HPC cluster 
  • A storage array for the data  
  • Virtual machines dedicated to a project 
  • Softwares for analysis and computation 

The team can also help for requiring computing hours to the regional meso-center CALMIP.

The office of the Data & Computing team are 405 and 409 and if you need some help, you can contact: 

Mélodie Angeletti (Development engineer, Fondation) :, 

Eric Mermet (Research engineer, CNRS) :, 


Follow us on  : @data_hpc_tse