
CSIO-TSE 21st Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization

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September 13–14, 2024


Room Auditorium 3

Thank you!

The organizing committee warmly thanks its participants present at the workshop. We invite you to consult the section EVENTS of the site which announces all conferences proposed by TSE.

This event is co-organized with Northwestern University.

Background and objective

The objective of the conference, organized by TSE-P and Northwestern's CSIO is to discuss recent advances in Industrial Organization. Keeping the spirit of previous years, the conference will foster collaboration between TSE and Northwestern's researchers, featuring contributions in theoretical and empirical IO.

Organizing committee

Isis Durrmeyer (TSE) and Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern University)

Participation by invitation only

Conference venue

Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

Auditorium 3 Jean-Jacques Laffont 
1 Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse 



