
Conference on Estimation and Inference in Econometric Models

December 12–13, 2022


Thank you!

The organizing committee warmly thanks its partners and all the participants who attended the conference. We hope to have the pleasure to meeting you again soon. In the meantime, we invite you to consult the section EVENTS of the website which announces all conferences proposed by TSE.

Background and objective

This two-day event features presentations on recent advances in econometrics. Confirmed speakers include Andrei Babii, Stephane Bonhomme, Jesus Carro, Tim Christensen, Bryan Graham, Marc Henry, Hiro Kashara, Marcelo Moreira, Tai Otsu, Adam Rosen, Max Tabord-Meehan, Andrei Zeleneev. Attendance is free but registration is required.

Organizing committee

Koen Jochmans (TSE) and Andrew Chesher (UCL and CeMMAP)

Conference venue

Toulouse School of Economics
1, Esplanade de l'Université
- Auditorium 5 -
31080 Toulouse Cedex 06


Conference secretariat: Christelle Fauchié