
French - Finnish Higher Education, Research and Innovation Workshop

November 2–3, 2017

Manufacture de tabacs, Toulouse

Room MC 203

About this workshop

Invariant Coordinate Selection (ICS) is a very general multivariate method recently established and with close connections to different areas of statistics like supervised and unsupervised dimension reduction, clustering and blind source separation. The Finnish and French groups organizing this workshop are among the most active research groups concerning ICS.
Nevertheless there is little collaboration yet between the groups.
The expected outcome for the workshop are (i) a better understanding of what the groups are currently researching, (ii) identifying new directions in the field and starting new collaborations in these directions where (iii) especially concerns from applied researchers in the industry should be considered.
Furthermore (iv) we plan to explore the feasibility of joint PhD programs so that students can get a joint degree from a French and Finnish University and (v) intensify regular exchanges between the groups.


Anne Ruiz-Gazen ( if you wish to register.

See also