TSE Careers

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Welcome to the TSE careers service

Preparing our students for their future careers and strengthening our relationships with business and policy communities is of primary importance to TSE. 

Offering guidance and support is also fundamental in career development to help students learn, grow and build skills in a challenging job market. 

The TSE careers team offers a wide range of services to both students and employers:



  • Go and meet the careers service, take advantage of the business opportunities offered by the school. 

Don't hesitate to contact the careers service for further information: careers@tse-fr.eu !

Find and offer an internship or a job


  • Master 1 : 2 to 5 months (April-August)
  • Master 2 : 4 to 6 months (April-December)

All internships are subject to an agreement between the intern, the organization receiving them and the university. This agreement must be signed 3 weeks before the start of the placement. The internship must have a learning objective recognised by the institution, whether or not it is integrated in the curriculum.

Job or internship offers and information


All offers and information are managed via the TSE alumni platform: 

Feel free also to send any offers directly by email: careers@tse-fr.eu

Information for students is also available to help them go through the internship process.

Skills of TSE students

  • Understanding, analysis, and evaluation of public policies
  • Development of business strategies
  • Analysis of the functioning of markets and their regulation
  • Open mindedness, understanding of the economic behaviour of actors in everyday life
  • Interpretation of statistical models
  • Mastering of analysis tools

Professional development courses

Assessing your personality type, your strengths and weaknesses and learning how to talk about your studies and experience is an immense challenge. The Professional development module offered to first and second year master students (in English or in French) consists of 8 sessions. The facilitator provides input, encourages oral interaction, and practical exercises to practice the skills involved to motivate and empower participants to confront the job market successfully and to find the perfect internship:

  • Self-Discovery
  • Internship Strategy
  • Writing a CV
  • Covering letters
  • Interviews
  • Networking
  • Career Guidance

Getting involved

Companies and institutions can contribute to the professional development of TSE students through internships or job offers but also in helping the school in many different ways:

If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact the careers service: careers@tse-fr.eu


TSE careers forum

This year, the Business Networking Day will take place on November 29, 2024.

This Career Forum organised each year in Toulouse by the TSE, is a unique opportunity for students to be in contact with different companies / institutions from different sectors and discover jobs and internship opportunities, and talk with potential recruiters from both policy and industry. We also welcome at the event a number of TSE alumni now working in international firms and institutions, looking to recruit TSE students and ready to share their career path experiences. 

Please contact careers@tse-fr.eu for further information.


BND sponsors 2024



Practicioners and academic conferences for students

During the academic year, TSE organizes special lectures by professionals, called “business talks, or by researchers, called “academic talks” to develop the economic culture of our students and help them built their future career plans.

We also offer our students public lectures given by renowned international social scientists, in collaboration with the interdisciplinary research institute IAST (Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse).



Discover all Business and Academic Talks of the academic year 2024-2025


Smooth transition into the labor market

Most current sectors:  senior managerial positions in industries and services such as banking, insurance, consultancy, as well as international institutions and market regulators

Most current jobs: economists, analysts, statistical research managers, consultants, or researchers.

Click on the image below to watch the video.

Main missions to tackle most current issues: 

  • Rethinking Market Strategy in a Digital Economy
  • Articulating Market Regulation for your firm’s long term interests
  • Designing and assessing viable methods to promote growth and innovation, while protecting the environment
  • Choosing best practices, adapting business models to challenging new markets
  • Deciding on strategies to optimize data solutions
  • Selecting appropriate models according to the type of data at hand

Watch the video on the diversity of economist professions:

More Videos about jobs and careers