Patrick Fève

Patrick Fève

TSE Research Faculty

Professor of Economics, TSE

Current position

2013Co-editor of Annals of Economics and Statistics
2004Research fellow at the French Central Bank
2000Professor of Economics, University Toulouse I

Former positions

2009 - 2016Director of the Doctoral School


1995Habilitation to supervise thesis, University of Evry
1994Ph D in Economics, University Paris I

Grants and awards

2013 - 2017ANR-13-BSH1-002-01
2008 - 2013Junior Member of l'Institut Universitaire de France


E-mail : see the e-mail

Tel : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 75

Office : T.613


Magali Bouley

E-mail : see the e-mail

Tel : +33 (0)5 67 73 27 72

Office : T.615