Economie industrielle

Séminaires à venir

Yossi Spiegel (Tel Aviv University), « Lessons from the Facebook-Giphy merger », Competition Policy Seminar, Toulouse : TSE, 28 février 2025, 15h30–17h30, salle Auditorium A4.

Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna), « What Can Platforms Learn from Consumer Choices? », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 3 mars 2025, 14h00–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University), « “Sherlocking” and Platform Information Policy », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 4 mars 2025, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.

Gaurab Aryal (Boston University), « To be announced », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 10 mars 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Nima Haghpanah (Penn State University), «  When can price discrimination benefit consumers? », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 17 mars 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Ozlem Bedre Defolie (University of Florence), « To be announced », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 24 mars 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Matteo Benetton (University of California, Berkeley), « Revolving Credit to SMEs: The Role of Business Credit Cards », Finance Seminar, Toulouse : TSE, 31 mars 2025, 11h00–12h30, salle Auditorium 3 TBC.

Leon Musolff (Wharton Pennsylvania University), « Sources of Market Power in Web Search: Evidence from a Field Experiment », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 28 avril 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Sophie Calder Wang (Wharton Pennsylvania University), « Algorithmic Pricing in Multifamily Rentals: Efficiency Gains or Price Coordination », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 19 mai 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Alessandro Bonatti (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), « To be announced », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 27 mai 2025, 11h00–12h15, salle Auditorium 3.

Séminaires passés

Eugenio J. Miravete (University of Texas, Austin), « Trade Protection, Industrial Policy, and the Shaping of Local Preferences », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 13 mai 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Tony Ke (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), « Information Design of Online Platforms », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 7 mai 2024, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Seminar.

Alon Eizenberg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), « An Empirical Analysis of Merger Efficiencies », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 29 avril 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Joseph Harrington (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), « The Challenge of Third Party Pricing Algorithms for Competition Policy », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 22 avril 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Tobias Klein (Tilburg University), « How Important are User-generated Data for Search Result Quality? », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 2 avril 2024, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.

Rosa Ferrer (University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), « Heterogeneous Distaste for Advertisements: Evidence from a Two-Sided Market », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 18 mars 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Kinshuk Jerath, « “Retail Media” and Its Impact on the Retail Ecosystem », Digital Workshop, TSE & IAST, 13 mars 2024, 12h30–13h30, Auditorium A4.

Matthew Mitchell (Rotman School of Management - University of Toronto), « Selling Checkmarks », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 11 mars 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.

Rafael Jimenez-Duran (Bocconi University;Chicago Booth Stigler Center), « When Product Markets Become Collective Traps: The Case of Social Media », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 5 mars 2024, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.

Eeva Mauring (Bergen University), « Coasian Dynamics in Sequential Search », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 4 mars 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.