Séminaires à venir
Yossi Spiegel (Tel Aviv University), « Lessons from the Facebook-Giphy merger », Competition Policy Seminar, Toulouse : TSE, 28 février 2025, 15h30–17h30, salle Auditorium A4.
Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna), « What Can Platforms Learn from Consumer Choices? », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 3 mars 2025, 14h00–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University), « “Sherlocking” and Platform Information Policy », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 4 mars 2025, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.
Gaurab Aryal (Boston University), « To be announced », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 10 mars 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Nima Haghpanah (Penn State University), « When can price discrimination benefit consumers? », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 17 mars 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Ozlem Bedre Defolie (University of Florence), « To be announced », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 24 mars 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Matteo Benetton (University of California, Berkeley), « Revolving Credit to SMEs: », Finance Seminar, Toulouse : TSE, 31 mars 2025, 11h00–12h30, salle Auditorium 3 TBC.
Leon Musolff (Wharton Pennsylvania University), « Sources of Market Power in Web Search: Evidence from a Field Experiment », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 28 avril 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Sophie Calder Wang (Wharton Pennsylvania University), « Algorithmic Pricing in Multifamily Rentals: Efficiency Gains or Price Coordination », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 19 mai 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Oleksandr Shcherbakov (Bank of Canada), « CBDC in the Market for Payments at the Point of Sale: Equilibrium Impact and Incumbent Responses », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 26 mai 2025, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Alessandro Bonatti (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), « To be announced », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 27 mai 2025, 11h00–12h15, salle Auditorium 3.
Séminaires passés
Regina Seibel (Rotman School of Management - University of Toronto), « The Cost of the Cold-Start Problem on Airbnb », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 4 février 2025, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.
Imke Reimers (Cornell University), « Prediction Technology and the Welfare Benefits from Differentiated Products », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 16 décembre 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Yaron Yehezkel (Tel-Aviv University;Coller School of Management), « Competing for Cookies: Platforms’ Business Models in Data Markets with Network Effects », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 3 décembre 2024, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.
Robin Ng (Mannheim University), « Competition Through Recommendations », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 2 décembre 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
William Rafey (University California - Los Angeles), « Conservation priorities and environmental offsets: Markets for Florida wetlands », Environmental Economics Seminar, Toulouse : TSE, 25 novembre 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Nenad Kos (Bocconi University), « Pricing and Consumer Surplus in Monopoly with Product Design », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 18 novembre 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Tobias Salz (MIT), « Sources of Market Power in Web Search: Evidence from a Field Experiment », Economics of Platforms Seminar, 5 novembre 2024, 14h00–15h00, Zoom Meeting.
Joris Hoste (Cambridge University), « In Hot Water: Clarifying the Price Effects of Brexit », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 4 novembre 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auditorium 4.
Thibaud Vergé (Autorité de la concurrence), « From Research to Policy: Merger Control in a National Competition Agency », Competition Policy Seminar, Toulouse : TSE, 18 octobre 2024, 15h30–17h30, salle Auditorium A4.
Pierre Azoulay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), « Who Stands on the Shoulders of Chinese (Scientific) Giants? Evidence from Chemistry », Industrial Organization seminar, TSE, 14 octobre 2024, 14h15–15h30, salle Auitorium4.