
Bilateral Trading in Networks

Andrea Galeotti (University of Essex)

23 octobre 2012, 11h00–12h30


Salle MS 001

Economic Theory Seminar


In many markets, ranging from markets for agricultural goods in developing countries to financial markets, goods flow via a sequence of intermediated trade before reaching final customers, information is asymmetric, and trading opportunities are incomplete. We study a dynamic model of bargaining in networks with asymmetric information that captures these three features. We show that the equilibrium price dynamic is non-monotonic and that traders who intermediate the object arise endoge- nously and attain a profit. This profit depends on their network location. Inefficiencies may arise in equilibrium, but as the time horizon goes to infinity and traders become perfectly patients, equilibrium becomes ex-post efficient.


Asymmetric Information; Bargaining; Bilateral Trading; Networks;

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