
Global Plant Health Assessment

International Workshop 2021

8 octobre 2021, 09h00

Bâtiment TSE, Auditorium 4

The Global Plant Health Assessment (GPHA)

The Global Plant Health Assessment (GPHA) aims to provide a first-time ever overall assessment of plant health in the natural and human-made ecosystems of the world. Plant health is assessed through the functions that plants ensure in ecosystems: "ecosystem services". The GPHA will assess plant health on the basis of published, science‐ and fact‐based, expert evaluations.


For the past several months, an International Workshop+Conference on the Global Plant Assessment has been planned. The event will include three days of closed-session workshop on the 26 reports that are being assembled on the various Plant-Systems across the world.

It will be followed by a Conference where plant health will be discussed using a series of cross-cutting, over-arching questions. The Conference will be open to the public (the entire ISPP community and beyond) and will include formal lectures and expert-driven panel discussions with the audience. Both components will be conducted in a hybrid way for physically attending and remotely connected participants. 

The Workshop will take place on 5-7 October 2021, and the public conference will be held on 8 October 2021.

The Workshop is sponsored by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems; and by INRAE: the Department of Plant Health and Environment, the INRAE GloFoodS Metaprogramme (Transitions for Global Food Security), and the INRAE AAFCC Metaprogramme (Adaptation of Agriculture and Forest to Climate Change).

Find out more: GPHA website / ISPP newsletter