26 novembre, soutenance de HDR de Roberta Dessi

26 Novembre 2020 Recherche

Madame  Roberta Dessi, assistant professeur UT Capitole TSE, soutiendra ses travaux pour l’ habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) en Sciences économiques le 26 Novembre 2020 à 15h.
Sur le sujet : « Incentives, Beliefs and Economic Behaviour »

Le jury se compose comme suit :

  • Jean-Marie Lozachmeur (Chercheur TSE, CNRS)
  • Gianni De Fraja (Professeur, Nottingham School of Economics)
  • Guido Friebel (Professeur, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
  • Sébastien Pouget (Professeur TSE, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole)
  • Roberto Weber (Professeur, University of Zurich)
  • Ingela Alger (Directrice de recherche, CNRS

lien zoom : https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75017392080?pwd=Umw1eEVReVpxdTFSaE1XT3MxUzB0dz09

Résumé des travaux (en anglais) :
My research focuses on two broad areas. The first is Firms, Finance and Incentives. Finance matters for firms not just because they need to fund production, sales and investments, but also because the way in which finance is provided, and the role of investors, impacts incentives, behaviour and performance. I study this in the case of large, publicly held companies, and innovative startups.

The second main pillar of my research focuses on individuals, whose beliefs and behaviour are strongly influenced by their identity and social environment. I review my research on identity, memory, belief biases, and social capital.