
Bailouts, bail-in, and financial stability

November 28, 2014

Siège de la Banque de France, Paris

The Banque de France and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) will organize a one day conference on “Bailouts, bail-in, and financial stability”. The joint conference will take place in Paris on November 28, 2014. The conference aims to discuss the quantitative importance of the implicit public guarantee, its consequence on the efficiency and stability of the banking system, and the regulatory measures to address this issue. Five research papers will be presented, followed by a policy panel on the current FSB regulatory initiatives aiming at ending too-big-to-fail by increasing banks Total Loss Absorption Capacity (TLAC).

This conference is co-organized by Régis Breton (Banque de France), Laurent Clerc (Banque de France) and  Augustin Landier (TSE).


See also