Transparency of Food Pricing

FP7 grant n° 265601

Résumé (en anglais)

High world commodity prices in 2007-2008 caused significant rises in food price inflation across the EU. However, the experience varied considerably across EU Member States. With world commodity prices likely to be higher in future years compared with over the last decade or so, understanding the factors that determine retail food prices in the EU is a considerable challenge for the research community and of major significance for policymakers and other stakeholders (e.g. consumers, the food industry and producers), both at the national and EU levels. The TRANSFOP project is organised across a number of inter-related themes (the experience of food price inflation across the EU, theoretical and empirical approaches to price transmission, retailer-manufacturer interactions, factor market imperfections and contract enforcement issues in the food supply chain, the role and impact of small and medium enterprises in the EU food sector, and mergers and acquisitions in the food sector.

13 partner universities and research institutes across 10 EU countries


Project dates: 01/02/2011 – 01/02/2014


TSE contact: Vincent REQUILLART